Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Go Fishy! Study of Fish Eating Supports Overcome Joint Pain

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Go Fishy! Study of Fish Eating Supports Overcome Joint Pain


There are various healthy benefits of eating fish, ranging from benefits to brain health to the heart. Recently, found one more benefit from the regular eating of fish. According to a study conducted by Arthritis Care and Research, eating two servings of fish each week help reduce pain due to arthritis or arthritis.Seperti known, people who suffer from this condition often experience the taste severe pain or swelling in the joints. Well, fish consumption may help. Previous studies have found that taking a high fish oil supplement with omega 3 fatty acids may reduce joint pain associated with arthritis. This time the researchers find out if this effect also exists when a person mengonsumsi fish directly. Read also: Kata Pakar, This Type of Fat that Must Avoid If Want Healthy Our findings indicate that fish consumption can help reduce inflammation associated with the activity of rheumatoid arthritis disease, say Dr Sara Tedeschi, lead author of the study at Arthritis Care and Research, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail. "It continues, fish consumption has been known to have many beneficial health effects, and his team's findings can give rheumatoid arthritis patients a strong reason to increase fish consumption.






Believed, consumption of fresh fish can reduce the risk of joint pain (Photo: Grandyos Zafna)






In the study, 176 rheumatoid patients living in Baltimore noted how often they ate fish over the last year and how large they were. Fish with higher omega-3 content were selected, such as tuna, salmon, sardines, raw fish such as sashimi or sushi. The result, inflammation rates were found significantly lower among those who ate fish twice or more a week, compared with those who did not never eat it. The effect is getting better, as more and more fish are eaten. Also read: Like Minister of Susie's Promise, It's 6 Benefits of Super Hobby Eating Fish (ajg / up)





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