Drinking water was not the only case of a body avoid dehydration. A study found that drinking two glasses of water each time before lunch and dinner could actually help you lose weight.
In its findings, the researchers reported that drinking water before meals, to reduce weight as much as 2.2 kg more than those who diet without drinking water before meals. These results obtained in waktu12 week.
Brenda Davy, associate professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, and senior author of the study said they were initially randomized to conduct research between the consumption of water by weight loss.
Research conducted on 48 volunteer men and women who are on a diet to reduce calorie intake by 75-90 calories per day accompanied by drinking two glasses of water before each meal.
"" We found that after 12 weeks, they managed to reduce the weight of about 2.2 kg more than dieters who did not increase the intake of fluids. This is the easy way to lose weight while keeping the body hydrated, "" Davy said.
The white water contains no calories and cause a sensation of fullness before the feeding. As a result, you become less food intake.
According to Davy, replace the consumption of sweet drinks such as sweet tea or syrup that accompanies you when to eat, is also a good way to lose weight. For example 350 ml contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, equal to 150 calories.
National Academies' Institute of Medicine, recommends that everyone follow their natural body signals, ie thirst, for calculating daily fluid requirements.
Federal Government suggests, your fluid intake as much as nine drinks a day for women and 13 cups for men.
Drinking too much can also be harmful to health, causing intoxication or poisoning fluids, said Davy.
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